Poland Walking Tour in 4K - BIECZ 2024

This walking tour was recorded in February 2024 in this small town of Biecz , located in southeastern Poland, approximately 35 kilometers from the border with Slovakia and over 100 kilometers from the border with Ukraine. Biecz is often referred to as the 'pearl of Subcarpathia' or the 'little Krakow.' It is also sometimes called the 'Polish Carcassonne' due to the preserved fragments of medieval city walls and characteristic architecture. It is a small town boasting a population of 4,607 inhabitants. The town experienced significant development during the 14th and 15th centuries, mainly due to its status as a royal city. However, it began to decline from the 17th century onwards. Today, it is a quaint tourist town with a picturesque location and numerous historical landmarks. The town is surrounded by defensive walls, and in ancient times, Biecz served as a border fortress. There were three castles and a royal manor in Biecz, all serving as regional royal...