Czechia Walking Tour in 4k - CESKY TESIN

Once a single city with a history dating back to the 9th century, today it is divided in half between two countries. Český Těšín is the left-bank part of the Olza River, belonging to the Czech Republic. Initially, it was a suburban district of the city of Cieszyn called Saska Kępa, founded by Duke Albert of Saxe-Teschen in 1794. After the construction of the railway and the railway station in 1869, the district developed significantly, and after July 28, 1920, a border was established through the middle of the city along the Olza River, dividing the city into two parts: the Czechoslovak, left-bank part, and the Polish, right-bank part. This division occurred as a result of an agreement to divide the disputed territories of Cieszyn Silesia between Poland and Czechoslovakia. The division of the city significantly hampered its development and decreased its importance. After Poland and the Czech Republic joined the European Union and later, on December 21, 2007, the Schengen Area,...